Kongressvorträge/Abstracts/Publikationen – J. Schlömicher-Thier
Stand: Dezember 2020
Schlömicher-Thier J. „Von der Ernährungssonde bis zum Tracheostomaverschluss“, Österreichische HNO-Kongress, 22.-26.9.1993, St. Pölten
Schlömicher-Thier J., Rettenbacher L., „Der Einsatz von einfachen Inhalierhilfen in der Lokaltherapie der oberen Luftwege, Erfahrungsbericht mit dem Macholdinhalator“ Österreichische HNO-Kongress, 22.-26.9.1993, St. Pölten
Schlömicher –Thier J., Pimpl W., Albegger K., „Stimmfunktionsanalytische Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Prognose einer Recurrensparese nach Strumektomie“ 35. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, 2 – 4.6.1994, Salzburg
Schlömicher-Thier J.; Medizin in Salzburg, „Wetterwinkel Kehlkopf“
Der Salzburger Arzt, 9.Jahrgang, Nummer 9, Seite 18-20, September 1995
Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Was wir über die Funktion und Pflege unserer Stimme wissen müssen“; Symposium „Tu´ was für Deine Stimme“, Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes in Steiermark, Bildungshaus Schloss Seggau, März 1997, Leibnitz, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J. „Die Stimme ist schlecht, die Stimmlippen schön – Was dann? Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung der funktionellen und der psychogenen Dysodie und Dysphonie“; 3. Internationales Voice Symposium; Singen und Sprechen im Beruf – Theorie und Praxis für die stimmintensive Tätigkeit; Juli 1997, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., „Cases of Voice Emergency from the Viewpoint of Treating“; Symposium Pevoc II, 31.8.1997, Regensburg, Germany
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., „Hydration Therapy in Professional Voice Users“;
- World Voice Symposium, Februar 1999, Sao Paulo
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “To Sing or not to Sing”; Canadian Voice Care Foundation, CVCF Symposium, May 1999, Banff, Canada
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Laryngeal movements in saxophone playing: video-endoscopic investigations with saxophone players. A pilot study”; J Voice. 1999 Jun;13(2):265-73. doi: 10.1016/s0892-1997(99)80031-9. PMID: 10442758
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Tropper H., Peregi P., Schulte-Mecklenbeck M. “Account of the Investigations on the Voice-Intensive Profession of Austrian Elementary School Teachers by Comparison of a Curative and a Preventive Collective during the School Year 1997/98”; PEVOC III: The 3rd Pan-European Voice Conference, August 1999, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M, Kirchner B. “Diagnostics of Psychogenic Dysphonia”; PEVOC III: The 3th Pan-European Voice Conference, August 1999, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Singen als Lebensgarant“; Universität Salzburg, Musik-Seminare, 22.11.1999, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Albegger K., Hauser-Kronberger C.; “Intraepithelial neuronal structures of he upper respiratory system”; The Voice Foundation´s 29th Annual Symposium, June 2000, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “The Athletic Condition of Professional Singing”; European Laryngological Society, ELSOC, 3rd Scientific Congress, June 2000, Paris, France
Schlömicher-Thier J., Tropper J., Reinisch F.; „Einsatz der Magnetresonantztherapie
bei Stimmpatienten”; 4. Internationales Symposium, Vocal Arts Medicine and Voice Care; Bildungshaus St. Virgil, Salzburg, 05.-08.August 2000
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; „The Swallowing Tube for the Treatment of IIIrd grade Aspiration“; 6th Symposium international Association of Phonosurgeons, 19. – 22.8. 2000, Venezia
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Zauner B., Hesse H.,Bernatzky G., Baumbauer F.; “The Everyman-Shouters of Salzburg – The Shouting Voice as an Artistic Expression”; 3. Stuttgarter Stimmtage , November 2000, Stuttgart, Germany
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Zauner B., Hesse H., Bernatzky G. Baumbauer F.; “The Everyman Shouter in Salzburg / The Shouting Voice as an Artistic Expression”; The Voice Foundation´s 30th Annual Symposium, June13-17, 2001, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Zauner B., Hesse P., Bernatzky G., Baumbauer F.; “The Shouting Voice as an Artistic Expression in Relationship to Singing and Speaking”; PEVOC IV: The 4th Pan-European Voice Conference, August 2001, Stockholm, Sweden
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Kaiser G., Büchner ,R.; „Mutation`s dysphonia –
a real illness from the phoniatrician`s point of view?”; PEVOC IV: The 4th Pan-European Voice Conference, August 2001, Stockholm, Sweden
Schlömicher-Thier J.; “Das heisere Kind in der HNO-Sprechstunde”; 45th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Oto – Rhino – Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, September 2001, Graz, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Peregi P. Vorauer-Riedl S.; “Vocal Fold Augmentation with Bioplastique Material by indirect phonosurgical Treatment under Topical Anesthesia”; The Voice Foundation´s 31th Annual Symposium, June 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Richter B., Löhle E., Knapp B., Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Verdolini K.; “Harmful substances on the opera stage: possible negative effects on singers‘ respiratory tracts”; J Voice. 2002 Mar;16(1):72-80. doi: 10.1016/s0892-1997(02)00074-7.m, PMID: 1200288
Schlömicher-Thier. J.; “High level Professionals versus Semi and Non Professionals”.
What about Voice disorders in Salzburg”; Collegium Medicorum Theatri; CoMeT Meeting, 2002, Madrid, Spain
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; „Rufen als artistisch-stimmliches Phänomen“;
- Stuttgarter Stimmtage, November 2002, Stuttgart, Germany
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Kirchner B.; “Diagnostics and Treatment of Psychogenic Dysphonia”; The Voice Foundation´s 32th Annual Symposium, June 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Vorauer-Riedl S.; “Vocal Fold Augmentation by indirect phonosurgery Treatment with VOX ImplantsTM Augmentation under Topical Anesthesia”; 3rd International Congress of the World Voice Consortium, World Voice Kongress; 29.06.-03.07.2002, Antalya, Turkey
Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Interventionelle Laryngologie in der HNO Praxis“; 47. Österreichischer HNO-Kongress, September 2003, St.Pölten, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Dysfunctional pathologies in the singing voice and their treatment”; III. International Congress The Artistic Voice, 16-18.10.2003, Ravenna,
Schlömicher-Thier J., Tropper H., Schulte-Mecklenbeck M., Weikert M.; “Occupational medicine Investigations on the Voice-Intensive Profession of Austrian Elementary School Teachers by Comparison of a Curative and a Preventive Collective during the School Year 1997/98”; The Voice Foundation´s 33rd Annual Symposium, June 2004,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Wohlt G.; „Betreuung der professionellen Sängerstimme im Festspiel- und Theaterbetrieb Salzburg-Berlin“; VIth International Voice Symposium; Stimme Interdisziplinär / Medizin-Kunst-Pädagogik-Training, August 2004, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Jansen Ph., Peruzzi E., Weikert M., Valluch Ch.; “Paralysis of the vocal fold / A Comprehensive Approach in Diagnostics and Voice Therapy”; The Voice Foundation´s 34th Annual Symposium, June 2005,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Tatzreiter E., Weikert M.; “Paralysis of the vocal fold in high professional singers – The arduous way back on the stage”; PEVOC VI; The 6th Pan-European Voice Conference, August 31 – September 03 2005, London,
United Kingdom
Schlömicher-Thier J.; “Die Betreuung der professionellen Sängerstimme im Festspiel und Theaterbetrieb”; EUROVOX 2006, 10th Congress of the European Voice Teachers Assotiation, August 2006, Vienna, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Tropper H.; “Stimmenscanning / Vorsorgeprojekt für Lehramtsstudenten an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Salzburg”; 6th International Voice Symposium; The Mozart Voice / Care and Cure of the High Professional Voice; August 2006, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; „Praktische Stimmhygiene für
Sprech-und Singkünstler“; 6. internationale Stuttgarter Stimmtage 2006, Stuttgart
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “The Performing Voice“; Michael S. Benninger, Thomas Murry, Plural Publishing, San Diego, 2006 Acute Assessment of Professional Singers
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Vocal Fold Augmentation with Bioplastique Material by indirect phonosurgical Treatment under Topical Anesthesia”; European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies; 6th EUFOS Congress, July 2007,Vienna, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Die Aufgaben eines Stimmarztes im Musikbetrieb“; Kongress Die Mozartstimme / Rückblick und Evidenz, Hochschule Mozarteum, Juli 2007, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Tropper H.; „Berufsstimmvorsorge für den stimmintensiven Beruf“; Tag der Stimme an der Pädagogischen Hochschule, Juni 2008, Linz, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Herbst Chr.; „Betreuung der Kinderstimme und Berufsstimmvorsorge für den stimmintensiven Beruf“; Tag der Stimme an der Pädagogische Hochschule, Juni 2008, Linz, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Kirchner B.; “Diagnostics and Treatment of Psychogenic Dysphonia”; British Voice Association / Choice for Voice, July 2008, London, UK
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Panoptikum der Stimmstörungen”; 8th International Voice Symposium; Share your Experience / Tradition and Innovation in Voice Care; Professional Voice; Juli 2008, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Franke I.; “Practical assessment in voice-diagnostics: the Method of Voice Range Profile measurement”; 8th International Voice Symposium; Share your Experience / Tradition and Innovation in Voice Care; Professional Voice; Juli 2008, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “What about the relevance of phonetogram (VPR) in Singers and actors?”; Collegium Medicorum Theatri; CoMeT Meeting, March 2009, Mexico City, Mexico
Schlömicher-Thier J., Miller D., Noe H.; “Yodelling – acoustic and physiologic properties”; The Voice Foundation´s 38th Annual Symposium, June 2009,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Cancellation policy at the Salzburg Festival”;
PEVOC VIII: The 8th Pan-European Voice Conference, August 2009, Dresden, Germany
Schlömicher-Thier J., Eckel E.; „Interventionelle Laryngologie in der HNO Praxis“; 54. Österreichischer HNO-Kongress, September 2010, Universität Mozarteum, Salzburg,
Tropper J., Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Die Berufsstimme am Stimmarbeitsplatz Schule; Das Stimmbetreuungsprojekt der Pädagogischen Hochschule Salzburg“; Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Lehre, Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, ph.skript, 4.2011; S.41-48
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Stroboscopic visualization of laryngeal mucosal
wave before and after treatment for reflux: is there objective visual evidence?”;
[8207C‑221], Conference of the Pacific Voice & Speech Foundation; PVSF,
January 2012, San Francisco, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Mair A., Weikert M.; “Superior Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis, the Hidde Diagnosis of an Overlooked Entity”; The Voice Foundation´s 41th Annual Symposium 30.5.-03.06.2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “A Comprehensive Approach in paresis and paralysis of the laryngeal nerves”; 5th International Congress of the World Voice Consortium, 28.-31.10.2012, Luxor, Ägypten
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Stroboscopic visualization of laryngeal mucosal wave before and after treatment for reflux: is there objective visual evidence?”; 5th International Congress of the World Voice Consortium, 28.-31.10.2012, Luxor, Ägypten
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; „Husten und Heiserkeit als Leitsymptom / Der Wetterwinkel „Kehlkopf“; Apothekerfortbildung, Salzburg, APO-PUNKTE 1/2013, S.23-27
Stehrer S., Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Ständig heiser? / Was dahinter stecken kann und was hilft“; Medizin Populär, Das Führende Gesundheitsmagazin, Verlagshaus der Ärzte, Wien, 02/2013, S.40-43
Schlömicher-Thier J., Mair A., Weikert M.; “The Rule of Silent Reflux in the Treatment of Professional Voice User Myth or Reality”; The Voice Foundation´s 42th Annual Symposium 29.5.-02.06.2013, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Mair A., Weikert M.; “The show must go on…/ Singing with organic Voice lesions at High Professional and Semiprofessional Singers on Stage”; The Voice Foundation´s 43th Annual Symposium, 28.05.-01.06.2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Hess M., Zalvan C., Pieri F.; “Hands on Course, Injection Laryngoplasty and indirect Phonosurgery”; 11th International Voice Symposium, CoMeT-Tutorial Symposium; Performing Arts Medicine and Voice Care; August 2014, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier, Echternach M.; “Yodelling – acoustic and physiologic properties”;
La Voce Artistica 2015 / 10. Corso internationale di foniatria e logopedia, November 2015, Ravenna, Italy
Schlömicher-Thier J., Bernatzky G.; „Die anatomischen und physiologischen Voraussetzungen beim Jodeln“; VOX HUMANA, Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangspädagogen, EVTA-Austria, EVTA-Schweiz; Potsdam, 02-2015
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M. „Musik und Medizin“: Günther Bernatzky, Gunter Kreuz, Springer Verlag, Wien, 2015, Stimm – und Opernarzt, Wegbegleiter der Künstler, Arbeitsplatz Bühne
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Laryngopharynx pH Profile in Professional Singers and Nonprofessional Voice Users with Silent Reflux Related to the VHI and Singing VHI as a Tool for Lifestyle and Dietary Change”; The Voice Foundation´s 45th Annual Symposium, June 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Laryngopharyngeal pH Profile in professional and nonprofessional Voice Users with organic vocal fold Lesions and silent Reflux as an important Tool for Diagnostics and Therapy”; 11th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Congress, June 2016, Genua, Italy
Schlömicher-Thier J.; “Case Presentation / Indication and Interpretation”; European Expert Meeting of LPR (Silent-Reflux),12th International Voice Symposium; Brain and Voice; 20-year Anniversary of the Austrian Voice Institute; Konferenz-Zentrum Heffterhof, August 2016, Salzburg, Austria
Herbst C.T., Howard D., Schlömicher-Thier J.; “Using electroglottographic real-time feedback to control posterior glottal adduction during phonation”; J Voice. 2010 Jan;24(1):72-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2008.06.003. Epub 2009 Jan 29., PMID: 1918545
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Importance of Ph measurement in silent reflux and professional singer’s”; World Phonocon 2017, International Association of Phonosurgeons, February 2017, Gurgaon, India
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Challenge and Limitation of indirect laryngeal Phonosurgery under local Anesthesia”; World Phonocon 2017, International Association of Phonosurgeons, February 2017, Gurgaon, India
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “The surgeon-singer’s perspective”; World Phonocon 2017, International Association of Phonosurgeons, February 2017, Gurgaon, India
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Phonosurgery or Photosurgery / Benefit and Limitation at indirect laryngeal Phonosurgery in local Anesthesia”; 12th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Congress, May 2018, London, United Kingdom
Schlömicher-Thier J., Tropper H., Pichler A., Hissmayr S., Weikert M.; “Medical and Educational Occupational Voice Care for Teacher-Students at the college of education in Salzburg”; 12th European Laryngological Society (ELS) Congress, May 2018, London, United Kingdom
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Importance of Ph measurement in silent reflux and professional singer’s”; Collegium Medicorum Theatri; CoMeT Meeting, May 2018, Houston, Texas, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Hess M., Traser L.; “Emergency voice medicine and when to cancel a concert”; 29th Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians (UEP), June 2018, Helsinki, Finland
Schlömicher-Thier J.; “Indirect Phonosurgery of benign lesions of the vocal folds”; 29th Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians (UEP), June 2018, Helsinki, Finland
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Benefit of the early transient vocal fold augmentation with hyaluronic acid at acute vocal fold paresis – what does the phoniatrician need to know for effective indication”; 14th ENT Danube Symposium, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, June 2018, Krems, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M., Denizoglu I.; “Vocal Fold Tissue Remodelling through Mechanotransduction by Lax Vox Therapy Case Presentation of Two Special Cases with Severe Vocal Fold Pathologies”; The Voice Foundation´s 47th Annual Symposium, June 2018, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “Benefit of the early transient vocal fold augmentation with hyaluronic acid at acute vocal fold paresis – what does the phoniatrician need to know for effective indication”; International Voice Symposium; Care of the Professional Voice / Innovation in Laryngology, Rehabilitation and Training, August 2018, Salzburg, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J.; „Benefit, Challenge and Limitation der indirekten laryngealen Phonochirurgie in LA“; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie, DGPP 36. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, September 2018, Innsbruck, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; „Vorteile, Herausforderungen und Limitation der Phonochirurgie von gutartigen Stimmlippenveränderungen in LA“; 62. Österreichischer HNO-Kongress, Oktober 2018, Bregenz, Austria
Schlömicher-Thier J, Denizoglu I.; “Cellular Mechanotransduction as a Modell for Understanding the Principles of Voice Therapy / Case presentation of special cases with severe vocal fold pathologies”; 4th European Academy of Phoniatrics Course – Voice Therapy; May 2019, İzmir, Turkey
Schlömicher-Thier J., Mair A., Denizoglu I.; “What is the Contact Granuloma Telling You?”; The Voice Foundation´s 48th Annual Symposium, June 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Schlömicher-Thier J., Chavez E., “Benefit; Challenge and Limitation at indirect Phonosurgery in LA”; The 5th Congress of European ORL-Head & Neck Surgery; July 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Schlömicher-Thier J., Kirchner B.; “Our protocol for treating psychogenic voice disorders”; The 5th Congress of European ORL-Head & Neck Surgery; July 2019, Brussels, Belgium
Schlömicher-Thier J.; “Emergency Voice Medicine and Cancellation Policy at an International Music-Festival / Holistic approach in Treatment of high professional Singers”; 50th Anniversary of CoMeT, August 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
Schlömicher-Thier J.; “The condition of singers at the various work stages of international festivals”; XII. Corso Internationale Foniatria e Logopedia / La Voce Artistica, Oktober 2019, Ravenna, Italy
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M.; “The shouting voice and the importance of shouting ability as a ‚fitness‘ parameter for all voice users”; Models and Analysys of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA, 11th International Workshop, December 2019, Firenze, Italy
Schlömicher-Thier J., Weikert M,. „Phoniatrics I“, Antoinette am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Springer Verlag, 2019 ISBN 2626-7845;To Sing or not to Sing, Cancellation Policy at an International Opera Festival.
Schlömicher-Thier J.; Hinter der Maske auf gute Befeuchtung achten, Stimmübungen machen“; Apotheker Krone, MedMedia Wien, 24/2020, S.16
Josef Schlömicher-Thier1, Michael Kopp, Clemens Huber
Die Computertomografie (CT)-basierte 3-dimensionale konformale Radiotherapie (3DCRT) bei T1a-Stimmlippenkarzinom bei einem Chorsänger